The Six Keys to Becoming a Healing Dance Facilitator

The (Re) Evolution of DANCE as a HEALING ART

The Embodied Dance®️ Teacher Training Certification

An intensive, individually tailored mentorship with the creator of Embodied Dance.

Join a
 growing Global Community of Dance Artists and Healers

where you are supported to

embrace your sacred gifts and step up and out as the expert in your niche.

Are you feeling like a leader and a loner on your journey?

Do you find yourself to be a QUIET REBEL, sitting on the sidelines, while less qualified people take their place showcasing their work, while you struggle to organise and clearly articulate your work in a compelling way?

Are you longing to step into your true power and authentic voice?

Do you notice that…

  • You know you have a unique ability to serve, coach and heal, yet it often feels like putting one forward then two steps back?

  • You KNOW dance is healing, but traditional dance therapy approaches don’t speak to you.

  • You have many gifts, tools, and skills, but you don’t know how to leverage them into a career and business

  • You have an inner rebel - who deeply seeks change and transformation, for yourself and the collective.

  • You’re turned off by the image-based ‘fake influencer’ culture and fear being seen as an imposter in your own art.

  • You feel a calling to create something NEW. You’re tired of the matrix and want to branch out and live life on your own terms.

  • You’re longing for a safe space and community where you can receive support to deepen your natural gifts and clearly articulate your mission to those looking for what you offer.

Many students join this unique Certification process having already spent a significant time on their personal development and gaining qualifications.

They've shared that this process supports the deepest layers of healing through movement to: 

Develop confidence in their abilities and offerings

 Step into their authentic voice and leadership

Become the leader they didn’t find.

Craft and offer a meaningful body of work that is representative of their unique skills and experience.

You are not alone in your quest for a meaningful mission.

Since the dawn of time, dance has been used for ritual, a rite of passage, healing of the self, community, and connection to the earth, our hearts, spirit, and to each other. The sacred remembrance of those times still lives in our DNA. 

But most dance training leaves out the fundamental core teaching of the mind-body connection, leaving dancers without the true and long-lasting healing properties of dance that were always meant to EMPOWER and CONNECT us.

"I’ve always loved dance, but had no idea of the power and somatic release through the expression of dance I’d have entered into this training program.

It’s not just a training, it’s a healing, a re-claiming, an initiation of stepping into your power and fullest expression of self"

Gretchen, California

You will meet your tribe here

You break free from the fear of judgment and being seen, embracing your true calling from your soul.

You effortlessly tap into your intuition and unleash your authentic self, building true confidence in your body and abilities.

You find convenience and simplicity in accessing the right support, resources, and tools to effortlessly share what you do with those who are ready and needing it.

You have access to expert mentors who guide you in mastering your skills and experiences, helping you turn your passion into a fulfilling career.

You are part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who celebrate your unique journey and support your growth.

Understand and implement the transformative, healing power of what dance was always meant to be.

The Embodied Dance Method:

Dance practices that heal at the Root

to set your sacred self free

Embodied Dance uses the body as a PORTAL to integrate the past, so that you can come HOME to your power and guide others to do the same.

The Embodied Dance Certification is a personalized holistic dance training that will support you towards empowerment and conscious leadership. 

It is a combination of entrepreneurial teachings, personal growth, and foundational aspects of coaching through somatic movement (that almost NO one teaches, but makes or breaks your success).

Many influencers today speak of MINDSET SHIFTS, but without the body ‘on board’ long term change is unlikely.

We work with the body to deeply uncover and recover our personal beliefs (and sabotages) at the ROOT.

Because more parts of our brain are ACTIVE WHILE DANCING than any other physical activity, we have the greatest OPPORTUNITY to align with our deepest TRUTH and shift patterns at their CORE when we dance

I believe in dance practice and training as a pathway to SELF ACTUALIZATION.

 We work with the mind, emotions, spirit and body in a unified way where nothing becomes unknowable or inexpressible.

We work towards the FULLEST POTENTIAL of what it is to be HUMAN and reclaim our sacred individual and collective power.

To walk the world in grace and radiant connection.

This is our inherent birthright.

Here’s what's included in the

seven month Certification program:

10 Modules

of completely UNIQUE guidance and information on cultivating healing dance practices and HOW to make a lucrative income from your work.

7 Months

of small group support. I value intimacy and creating safe space for you to fully show up.

Therefore, each group contains approx 2-5 people, so you get HIGH TOUCH personalized attention.

3 Private Sessions

with Allison to journey into all you havn't been able to move through on your own.

We meet what needs loving attention at the root in the multidimensional fields and fully embody what we move through energetically.

1 Onboarding Session

to clarify your unique experinces, abilities and gifts that make you stand out as an expert of your niche. We begin to craft the foundational pieces of your intended work and eventual offers, setting the long term tradjectory in motion.

120 Page Manual

To visually accompany every step of your online training

3 Private 1:1 sessions with Allison to focus on clearing deeper blocks with Multidimensional healing processes that heal and clear at the root


as a Teacher of Embodied Dance for those who complete the requirements.

Master Your

Energy Systems

and learn

Embodied Anatomy

Gain an in-depth understanding of the energy body and HOW to best serve your students with safety, empathy and self trust.

We observe our beliefs and emotions through the energetic body as a blueprint to uncover and recover the subconscious patterns influencing your outer behavior and inner experiences.

We then reclaim and subconsciously imprint a brand new identity that positively carries you forward onto your higher path. 

Once you reclaim these aspects of yourself; they are there for good and do not change.

Shifting Body language and Rewiring Limiting Beliefs

Releasing Self Sabotage in Movement Forms using the The Collard Method.

As you begin to understand that every movement comes from an emotion or a belief system, you then have the opportunity to shift the narrative by shifting the movement.

We study the fundamentals of BODY LANGUAGE to learn how the mental and emotional body affect the physical, and vice versa.


Together we rewire a new story by using body language and choreography to create a new IMPRINT in the neural pathways of the brain, shifting a pattern and belief at its core.

We use these methodologies in our healing choreographic processes to unify body, emotions, mind and spirit; creating inner and outer ALIGNMENT.

Conscious Communication and Adaptive Learning Styles

Learn the communication tools, leading with clarity and connection to speak to ANYONE in the room.

All people process information differently. Being able to meet people where they are and speaking in a language they understand is a PRICELESS tool as a facilitator.

So many of the abusive tendencies that get passed down in the dance classroom stem from poor communication and a lack of understanding of how people receive feedback and support.

By deeply investigating and integrating different learning and teaching styles, you then permit your students to FULLY show up, feel safe expressing themselves, and expand into even greater heights becoming the teacher you couldn’t find.

Creating Personal Choreographies with the Embodied Dance Signature Work

Become a master facilitator of your craft. Embody the practices of conscious choreography making to individuals and groups.

This is the medicine that dance was always intended for and the secret sauce that ties the entire training together.

We restructure our stories and patterns from the inside out to become fully embodied and clear of obstructions in both body and mind.

We redefine what is possible with each movement, quality, and intention. We use storytelling to create ‘movement prescriptions’ as well as transformational performances through sourcing the release and restoration at the body level of awareness.

(This transformational healing process began in 1999 and has been channeled through Allison for the last 2 decades; serving private clients and groups in both universities and private studios).

Make and Impact and an Income

Build a lucrative online or offline brand from your superpower.

We clearly define what sets you apart in the growing industry of somatic approaches to movement and healing. We focus on how to craft your unique approach and directly speak to those who are looking for what you provide.

You receive the support to birth your unique mission and brand and how to sustain a livelihood from your soul work. You'll learn how to clear abundance blocks, articulate your niche offers, and market in a soul-aligned way.

These are the hard won business tools I used to grow my business from zero to 10k months. I'm imparting over 40k in coaching skills to you for a fraction of what I spent to implement this knowledge. .

1:1 Mentorship from Allison

These personalized, unique sessions have the power to transform what therapy hasn't.

We work to heal a core issue AT THE ROOT so you are complete with it.

You’ll have 3 x 1:1 private coaching sessions with Allison to draw out your unique medicine and serve your communities as a healing artist.

Besides being a dancer, teacher and choreographer for 2 decades...

I've also worked in the Healing Arts for more than 20 years and can masterfully support you to shift out of subconscious sabotage with Multidimensional healing approaches that heal your inner child and integrate your soul fragments.

Together, we gracefully move through some of your deepest subconscious blocks as well as clean energetic implants/distortions that are preventing you from being in your true power.

We then reconnect you to your highest timeline so that your energetic field is a fine-tuned match for your desires.

This approach is held with the highest integrity; in alignment with the Source/ Creator/God. The results are powerful and lasting.

It is my greatest honor to SEE the gems you hold while crafting your MISSION alongside you!

"Allison has a tremendous gift for knowing exactly what is needed for someone to recover their true potential.

She is a gifted channel to hold tremendous space for healing on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic, karmic and lineage.

Her ability to see beyond the veil is above and beyond any healer or teacher I have come across. Enter if you dare to seek your greatness"

Kelly, NY

Weekly Support and Mentorship for 7 Months

Every month, you’ll have support calls, dance class with Allison, and strategic planning during our 3 live sessions.

First Call

of the Month

Get your Questions Asked and Answered here.

We focus on personal healing and clearings for where you are in the program, or what you need for your life’s journey. Each individual has laser focused time to receive support to clarify an issue as its root.

Class sizes vary from 3-6 people and are intentionally small to support safety and intimacy.

Second Call

of the Month

Allison leads an Embodied Dance experience based on the core questions and struggles in the group. 

We will often have themed classes such as the “mother wound” “sacred rage” and “clearing abundance blocks” to identify root issues and move through them as a collective.

You can also use these teachings in your own programs.

Third Call

of the Month

Practice Teaching Lab and business building support. Participants lead aspects of what they are developing in their work.

You receive feedback and improve confidence in your modalities and leadership communication.

In business building, we review and craft your offerings from inception to launch.

"I would recommend this course for anyone that wants to deepen their connection to their bodies' wisdom and come home to their innate internal rhythm."

Kaylie, Australia

Join a Community of Global Creatives, Artists, and Rebels PIONEERING the way forward.

Be part of an epic, GLOBAL community that has your back and is cheering you on every step forward, as you walk collectively towards your unique paths.

The process of transformation is something you uncover in held, supportive containers; especially if you’ve always been doing it on your own, and are now ready to find your tribe. Inside the training you'll be part of a small cohort, and you will also have access to the larger Global Embodied Dance Community!

Besides lifetime access to the course material you'll also receive these incredible bonuses....

$500 value

Sound Healing

Healing Performances and the philosophical approach to Gesture.

Unlock a teaching library of movement, warmups, and working with elements, how to work with sound healing and also produce healing performances.

Discover ancient inspirations of why sound healing is such a powerful modality to facilitate healing.

You also learn historical and philosophical applications to gesture to facilitate the emotional language of the hands and body.

$500 value

Leadership Training

Healthy Boundaries, Intuitive Teaching, Creating Safe Space

and Developing your practices. 

We discuss cultivating your energetic field as a teacher to create safety and effortless flow in your classes and workshops.

We also uncover your dormant gifts and what truly lights you up as a teacher so you feel confident to step into your chosen work.

We review and embody energetic safety and why that is FOUNDATIONAL to master.

$500 value

World Dance Forms

Underlying Indigenous Influences That Influence Modern-Day Styles. Dance as Personal Power.

These essential learnings, represented scientifically and historically, help you thoughtfully incorporate what it means to use dance as a healing art and as personal power; as people of the earth were always meant to.

We dive into 4 world dance forms to acknowledge their history, oppression and empowering gifts in order to better understand dance in a cross cultural perspective.

This is more than a training, it’s an education you can return to many times over to deepen your skills.

You have access to a library of classes, tools, and skills on HOW to use dance as a healing art and what is possible to create as a dancer, healer, teacher and/or performer.

Is the Embodied Dance Training For You?

You are self motivated, passionate, self aware and self accountable.

You are ready to embrace your inner rebel that drives your unique visions.

You are willing to look at what's in the way of your path and compassionately release it.

You feel a deep soul calling to be a change maker and know the time is NOW!

Do you resonate with the following?

  • You are ready to embark on a life changing journey that will enhance your relationship to yourself and deepen your gifts as a somatic facilitator. You desire to receive support to become and express the greatest version of you while making a lucrative income.

  • You are a dancer or mover who is tired of the ‘physical approach only’ to dance training and wants to integrate a whole person approach into your classes and workshops.

  • You have a passion for the healing arts, wellness, coaching, yoga and would like to define a way of working that speaks to your unique experience and education.

  • You carry deep dreams for this planet as well as sacred codes that are meant for this time of transition.

  • You are ready to turn your passion and life’s work into a significant impact and income.

  • You are looking for a high touch certification program that allows you to build your work from your unique gifts.

"It’s not only a training, it’s not only a course.

It’s a deep transformative process with a 1:1 support of Allison, which is invaluable."

Agnes, Budapest

Embodied Dance Teacher Training Investment

The Embodied Dance Teacher Training is a unique, one of a kind opportunity to RECEIVE DEEP, high level SUPPORT to cultivate your life's work alongside a vibrant community of dancers and healing artists. Here’s what you’ll receive through the investment.

Depth of understanding on the energy body, body language and HOW to best serve your students with safety, empathy and self trust

Inner child processes and shamanic journey work for deep levels of healing

Mastering Personal Choreographies and the Embodied Dance Signature method

Communication tools to speak to ANYONE in the room

Global Community of Other creatives and healers

Energy Management, coaching basics, everyday grounding and clearing techniques

Marketing and Business Tools to turn your work into a lucrative business ($1,500)

Weekly support and mentorship for 7 Months (21 calls in total) ($4000)

     Six core Teaching Modules           


Teacher training Bonus Modules ($1,500)

3 Private Healing sessions with Allison ($1,500)

Unlock more than $12,000 in value, for this unbeatable price



payment plans available


When does the program start?

The program is currently ‘open enrollment’ meaning you can join anytime. However, special promotions will be time sensitive.

Our next training begins May 2024

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes, you can pay the total amount over three  installments of $1800 USD, made on the 1st, 3rd and 5th month of your training.

(Paying in full saves $500).

*I am now also able to take payment in Australian or New Zealand Dollar.

Email me at to learn more

What if I have to miss some of the live calls?

Live dance classes are recorded, but support calls are often not recorded due to the vulnerable nature of the calls. I allow each person in the training to make up one month of calls if there is an unforeseeable life circumstance.

What are the certification requirements?

To receive the certification, each participant must:

*Attend 18 of the 21 live group calls

*Submit a three page written document of your teaching approach, niche and the offerings you intend to provide.

*Complete three live teaching demonstrations inside the course.

How much time do I need to set aside for the course? Is there homework?

There are three hour long calls per month plus course content to move through at your own pace. (You have lifetime access, so no rush).

If you do one class online per week, that would be 7 hours per month total.

There is no ‘homework’ per se, besides the invitation to craft and share your work as you are ready to do so.

Hi, I'm Allison

I love nothing more than showing my students what's possible and supporting them to align with their unique path of service, fulfillment, and abundance.

I am a dancer, teacher and performer with 25 years in the Healing Arts.

I have spent my career exploring how people heal with and through movement as well as understanding how energy and quantum healing can combine with dance to provide transformative experiences for performers, audiences, clients and students.

Embodied Dance was born out of a desire to fill in the gaps in dance training where the mind/body connection is often missing, as well as to provide a holistic approach teaching to and from the WHOLE PERSON.

This method seeks to provide experiences using dance as a HEALING, communicative tool to explore how we interpret, address and envision what it means to be human; evolving and responding to our changing times.

Experience and Education

OOwner, Embodied Dance 2015- present

OWNER, Creator of Embodied Dance®️ (2015-present)

*Lecturing professor at Iona University (2018- 2021)

*Professor of Dance Technique at Manhattanville University


*Master of Fine Arts, Dance Montclair State University 2016- 2018

*Simonson Method of Dance Teacher Training, NY 2011

*Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Austria 2002-3

*Bachelor of Arts: University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2000

*Cultural Anthropology and Dance: University of Melbourne and
  Southern Cross University 1999


*Licensed Massage Therapist, NJ 2001

*Reiki Certification level 1- Master 2001-2005

*Pilates Trainer 2002

*Yoga and Ayurveda 2005

*Health Coach Institute for Integrative Nutrition 2006

*Personal Trainer AFAA 2007

*Yoga Teacher Certification 2010

*Shamanic Studies and Inner Child Healing 2012-2016

*Mind Body Dancing (TBC) 2018

*Multi-Dimensional Healing and Oracle Training Initiation 2020-     present


*Center for Modern Dance Education

*University of Melbourne Theatre and Dance

*Art of Motion

*Ballet Northwest

*Dance Theatre Northwest

*The Barefoot Collective

*Isabel Gotzkowsky and Friends

*Union Arts Center

*Hackensack Performing Arts Center

*William and Hobart Smith College

*Iona College 

*The Garden State Opera.

Hear From Recent Graduates

Lashauna, NY

"In this sacred container, I found a deeper interpretation and understanding of the internal messages that my body carried. Embodied Dance helped to build the confidence I needed to lead and be seen. Now, I have a tool belt full of strategies that support healing transformation and a community of sacred sisters who are committed to revealing truth through dance

Mindy, NY

I felt myself becoming a more empowered version of me. As the work deepened, the path ahead became clearer, and the calling became stronger.

I am incredibly thankful to be a student of Allison Pagano.

Her method of teaching is much like the dance of life… mystical, resonant, graceful and rich with Truth.

So grateful to journey alongside this special tribe of Divinely hand picked humans from all around the world."

Callie, Colorado

Through understanding  the body's energetic systems and how we can use movement to free what no longer serves us,  I have also awakened my abilities and unique gifts as a healer.

I now offer programs supporting those in bereavement through dance.

 Working with Allison has been a life changing experience.

She is a wonderful mentor that can effortlessly hold space and facilitate coming into your power.

I would recommend this program to anyone that knows they have a special gift but need help finding their own unique vision through the power of dance.

Join a growing Global Community of Dance Artists and Healers

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